Hope Again
This week, for a change, I want to share with you a link to a recent podcast presentation I gave on Contagious Hope at Georges River Life Church. Perhaps you’ve never set foot in a church and you wonder what they talk about? Well, here is an example.Did you know that people who are forming their lives around the life and teaching of Jesus understand hope in a specific way?
Hope isn’t a warm sentiment, nor is it wishful thinking. No, this hope is a confident expectancy of good coming because God is always good. Christian hope has its foundation in the character and the work of God as displayed in the resurrected Jesus. Hope derives from foundational truths in the bible that God is good, God is present, God is redeeming my life and my circumstances, working all things together for good. And even death is no cause for hopelessness because death itself is redefined through the resurrection life of Jesus.
We all need hope and when a person loses all hope they often drift into survival mode or worse still, lose the will to live altogether. If that’s you or someone you know, perhaps this message can shine a ray of light into that darkness.
I hope this message on hope brings fresh hope to you or those you are journeying with!
Click HERE for the link to GRLC Lifewords podcasts in iTunes and listen to the podcast titled 'Contagious Hope.'